Saturday, December 12, 2009

Reflection for session held on December Reflection 09, 2009.

In CTLA session held on December 09.2009, we learn about the Centrally Based Curriculum Development (CBDS), School Based Curriculum Development (SBCD) and School focused Curriculum. In all Government Schools CBCD is imposed by central Government. In chain schools system are also following same patterns, as their owners introduced uniformed curriculum in all schools. in this notion owners or officials of upper level make decicions what is to be taught, and also they deciding about methodology of teaching that how that could be tuaght and they set the rules for assessment. in CBCD teacher's voice is ignored. However some school systems gave freedom to adopt owner’s central imposed curriculum or curtail it according to their changed environment, culture and needs. School Based Curriculum is one which developed in school by teachers, head teacher, student and community. Now a day SBCD changed into School focused Curriculum Development. (SFCD) In such notion schools are mainly focussed despite curriculum is not being developed by schools, but it reflects school interest, culture, mission and vision. That is bridging between CBCD and SBCD. CBCD and SBCD both may be SBCD type.
Further the discussion and understanding regarding the upcoming tasks were beneficial in terms that we have cleared the ideas about same.

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