Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Refection on session of November 18, 2009

C_T_L_A session held on above date was important as we learn Bloom Taxonomy theory of learning. “Taxonomy” simply means “classification”, so the well-known taxonomy of learning objectives is an attempt (within the behavioral paradigm) to classify forms and levels of learning. It identifies three “domains” of learning, each of which is organized as a series of levels or pre-requisites. It is suggested that one cannot effectively — or ought not try to — address higher levels until those below them have been covered (it is thus effectively serial in structure”. Taxonomy is special kind of frame work for classifying, organizing and also formulating objectives.

Booms taxonomy






Anderson revised cognitive domain of Blooms’. Below I am giving blooms as well as Andersons revise Taxonomy.

Andersons Revised Taxonomy

Knowledge Remembering
Comprehension Understanding
Application Applying
Analysis Analyzing
Synthesis Evaluating
Evaluation Creating

There is slight difference between Bloom and Andersons. But we must understand those differences. The important thing is to relate all those theories in our own context. As per my understanding we are only poring knowledge in the minds of students. Teaching style in our own context depends on memorizing and transition of knowledge at large. Very few teachers are putting students in situation to think, evaluate and to create.

If I may be given the chance to work on position of leadership in educational institution, I will try to apply Blooms Taxonomy theory of learning creatively as per needs of institution. Improvement of holistic education environment is need of time. to attain the aims and objectives of education it is important to understand that what the educational process hopes to achieve, through curriculum implication, second chain of this process is teaching methodology in which we draw the outlines of plan how the objectives should be achieved, and the third step is assessment. Assessment process determined if the objectives have been achieved or not. That is cyclic process.

Recently when I read the article of Dr Mohd Memon Sohib, which was the critical evaluation of history of curriculum in Pakistan, I realize that our policy makers put all the required things in educational policies; however they didn’t bother to involve the teachers in same process. For implementation of curriculum our policy makers adopted “top down” strategy. In the process “Official Curriculum” was very much different from “Action Curriculum” which adapted teachers in classroom.

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