Monday, December 14, 2009

Piaget's cognitive theory of learning and Vygotskys’ social cognition learning theory

As Piagets theory of learning is connected with the growing Childs psychology and Vygotskys covering the social aspects. As children growing physically his level of thinking is also increasing. Piaget spent years to learn from children. He put some questions before them and than asked them to think about those and suggest solutions. He never minded if answers were right or wrong, but Piaget said that it is more important that how a child is solving a problem or how he/she is utilizing cognitive abilities. He believes that children learning effectively when they are solving problem independently in natural environment. So it is important to put him in a situation according to his/her age level and than evaluation should be taken place. Probably we observing that children are doing things illogically but there is logic in their illogical manner and cuteness. Children are little philosophers on earth and carrying out lot of experiments as per their mental level. So it is important to allow child to work independently that will increase their thinking abilities. Piaget was first who emphasis upon child centre learning. Before him school were working on teacher based learning. His impacts on learning methodology is enormous that emerged new notion of learning.

Vygotskys’ social cognition learning model asserts that culture is the prime determinant of individual development. Humans are the only species to have created culture, and every human child develops in the context of a culture. Therefore, a child’s learning development is affected in ways large and small by the culture–including the culture of family environment–in which he or she is enmeshed. His emphasis is on cultures in which children are being grooming. They learning from home, school and prevailing society.

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