Saturday, December 12, 2009

Reflection about Class held on November 11, 2009

It was about Curriculum perspective influence. We learn that there are three kinds i.e. Transmission, Transaction and Transformation. On the day we understand those clearly. Transmission is one way process. In this type teacher is the person who is speaking, doing all things and poring knowledge in educational aim category mastery of school subjects and inculcation of students in social norms are the major goals of this position. In transactional position the goal of curricula based on the transition position is the development of rational intelligence in general and complex problem-solving skills particular and in transformation position self actualization, self transcendence and social involvement are the principal goals of this orientation. In same way conception of leader, conception of the learning process and the learning environment, conception of he teacher’s role, education aims, conception of learner and conception of how learning should be evaluated discussed. In the transition notion of position teacher is centre for all things. His point of view is not challenge able, what he/she says is universal truth and students are bound to believe their teachers’ point of view. This is one way process. Which reminds that only teacher is able and capable. In such type of curriculum design teachers are doing whole things themselves and students are not allowed to take part any discussions or deliberations. Our many schools especially in public sector are working in same manner. In notion of that transition process negotiation is encouraged. However transformation category is interactive and interdependent. Under this knowledge transformed through participative and collaborative manner. In such notion teacher is mentor, facilitator and the person who guiding his course participates to for better understandings cyclic process, it have four components i.e. orientation, development, implementation and evaluation. One may begin this cyclic process from any position

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