Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Refelction on sesion held on October 21, 2009

In the session of C. T. L. A. October 21, 2009 we learn what is curriculum and how many kinds of curriculums are adapted in educational institutions. We may say that curriculum is set of courses, designs, plan, organize to meet the set of goals and objectives. It is organization of skills, set of organized methods designed by experts. We have three words curriculum that is singular, curricula used for plural, and curricular is adjective means to do with curriculum.

Curriculum is not only lesson, content, an outline, a syllabus, text book, a program a course of study, set of documents or planned experiences. All these are the components of curriculum. Curriculum is all the learning experiences planned or unplanned. Official curriculum is the design and proposed one by Government. Operational is one which actually adapted by schools. In Pakistan official curriculum is imposed by Federal Government, but in real situation it is not implemented as documented by Government. It is because of lack of coordination and authoritarian attitudes. At the time curriculum designing all stake holders not involved

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