Monday, December 14, 2009

Piaget's cognitive theory of learning and Vygotskys’ social cognition learning theory

As Piagets theory of learning is connected with the growing Childs psychology and Vygotskys covering the social aspects. As children growing physically his level of thinking is also increasing. Piaget spent years to learn from children. He put some questions before them and than asked them to think about those and suggest solutions. He never minded if answers were right or wrong, but Piaget said that it is more important that how a child is solving a problem or how he/she is utilizing cognitive abilities. He believes that children learning effectively when they are solving problem independently in natural environment. So it is important to put him in a situation according to his/her age level and than evaluation should be taken place. Probably we observing that children are doing things illogically but there is logic in their illogical manner and cuteness. Children are little philosophers on earth and carrying out lot of experiments as per their mental level. So it is important to allow child to work independently that will increase their thinking abilities. Piaget was first who emphasis upon child centre learning. Before him school were working on teacher based learning. His impacts on learning methodology is enormous that emerged new notion of learning.

Vygotskys’ social cognition learning model asserts that culture is the prime determinant of individual development. Humans are the only species to have created culture, and every human child develops in the context of a culture. Therefore, a child’s learning development is affected in ways large and small by the culture–including the culture of family environment–in which he or she is enmeshed. His emphasis is on cultures in which children are being grooming. They learning from home, school and prevailing society.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Reflection: On November 25, 2009 session

To days session was very interactive. Working in group is always worth while. Activity was designed related to Piaget and Vygotskys’ theories.

“Piaget’s influence on psychology has been profound. His pathbreaking investigations and theories of cognitive development have set child psychology moving in entirely new directions. His bold speculations have provided the inspiration for the work of others. His studies have been the subject of many books and countless articles. And, significantly, his influence has spread to other disciplines and is having an ever-growing impact on the general culture at large. Here Jean Piaget, with the assistance of his long-time collaborator Bärbel Inhelder, offers a definitive presentation of the developmental psychology he has elaborated over the last forty years. This comprehensive synthesis traces each stage of the child’s cognitive development, over the entire period of childhood, from infancy to adolescence.”

CP’s were asked to make their goals and objectives/learning outcomes in light of two broad domains “cognitive” and “Affective” I and Mr A Gaffar worked in pair but didn’t do our task as per given criteria. It was happened because we didn’t understand the given task. In future when ever I will go through such activities must think about the question that what is required to produce. That needs involvement and concentration about class room activities. There is saying no mistakes no learning, so we learn from that failure.

However we learn from entire activity how to plan and than ser goals and objectives for our activity as out comes will cover the cognitive and affective paradigm of curriculums for primary to Intermediate level school children.
we made product in pairs and presented it. In this activity we designs curriculum for specific classes and presented. different groups given different classes from grade one to intermediate level. In one previous session we have asked to make currilum for primary and secondary leve according to theories of selected scholors and now we did it for specific classes. In this manner we learn how to make curriculum for different levels and classes.

This Group activity done by CPs on Nov: 25,09 in session of Curriculum, Teaching, Learning and Assesement guided by Dr Meher Rizvi, the facilitator

more images of class room activity

Photoes regarding Classroom Activity

Reflection about Class held on November 11, 2009

It was about Curriculum perspective influence. We learn that there are three kinds i.e. Transmission, Transaction and Transformation. On the day we understand those clearly. Transmission is one way process. In this type teacher is the person who is speaking, doing all things and poring knowledge in educational aim category mastery of school subjects and inculcation of students in social norms are the major goals of this position. In transactional position the goal of curricula based on the transition position is the development of rational intelligence in general and complex problem-solving skills particular and in transformation position self actualization, self transcendence and social involvement are the principal goals of this orientation. In same way conception of leader, conception of the learning process and the learning environment, conception of he teacher’s role, education aims, conception of learner and conception of how learning should be evaluated discussed. In the transition notion of position teacher is centre for all things. His point of view is not challenge able, what he/she says is universal truth and students are bound to believe their teachers’ point of view. This is one way process. Which reminds that only teacher is able and capable. In such type of curriculum design teachers are doing whole things themselves and students are not allowed to take part any discussions or deliberations. Our many schools especially in public sector are working in same manner. In notion of that transition process negotiation is encouraged. However transformation category is interactive and interdependent. Under this knowledge transformed through participative and collaborative manner. In such notion teacher is mentor, facilitator and the person who guiding his course participates to for better understandings cyclic process, it have four components i.e. orientation, development, implementation and evaluation. One may begin this cyclic process from any position

Reflection for session held on December Reflection 09, 2009.

In CTLA session held on December 09.2009, we learn about the Centrally Based Curriculum Development (CBDS), School Based Curriculum Development (SBCD) and School focused Curriculum. In all Government Schools CBCD is imposed by central Government. In chain schools system are also following same patterns, as their owners introduced uniformed curriculum in all schools. in this notion owners or officials of upper level make decicions what is to be taught, and also they deciding about methodology of teaching that how that could be tuaght and they set the rules for assessment. in CBCD teacher's voice is ignored. However some school systems gave freedom to adopt owner’s central imposed curriculum or curtail it according to their changed environment, culture and needs. School Based Curriculum is one which developed in school by teachers, head teacher, student and community. Now a day SBCD changed into School focused Curriculum Development. (SFCD) In such notion schools are mainly focussed despite curriculum is not being developed by schools, but it reflects school interest, culture, mission and vision. That is bridging between CBCD and SBCD. CBCD and SBCD both may be SBCD type.
Further the discussion and understanding regarding the upcoming tasks were beneficial in terms that we have cleared the ideas about same.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Refelction on sesion held on October 21, 2009

In the session of C. T. L. A. October 21, 2009 we learn what is curriculum and how many kinds of curriculums are adapted in educational institutions. We may say that curriculum is set of courses, designs, plan, organize to meet the set of goals and objectives. It is organization of skills, set of organized methods designed by experts. We have three words curriculum that is singular, curricula used for plural, and curricular is adjective means to do with curriculum.

Curriculum is not only lesson, content, an outline, a syllabus, text book, a program a course of study, set of documents or planned experiences. All these are the components of curriculum. Curriculum is all the learning experiences planned or unplanned. Official curriculum is the design and proposed one by Government. Operational is one which actually adapted by schools. In Pakistan official curriculum is imposed by Federal Government, but in real situation it is not implemented as documented by Government. It is because of lack of coordination and authoritarian attitudes. At the time curriculum designing all stake holders not involved

Refection on session of November 18, 2009

C_T_L_A session held on above date was important as we learn Bloom Taxonomy theory of learning. “Taxonomy” simply means “classification”, so the well-known taxonomy of learning objectives is an attempt (within the behavioral paradigm) to classify forms and levels of learning. It identifies three “domains” of learning, each of which is organized as a series of levels or pre-requisites. It is suggested that one cannot effectively — or ought not try to — address higher levels until those below them have been covered (it is thus effectively serial in structure”. Taxonomy is special kind of frame work for classifying, organizing and also formulating objectives.

Booms taxonomy






Anderson revised cognitive domain of Blooms’. Below I am giving blooms as well as Andersons revise Taxonomy.

Andersons Revised Taxonomy

Knowledge Remembering
Comprehension Understanding
Application Applying
Analysis Analyzing
Synthesis Evaluating
Evaluation Creating

There is slight difference between Bloom and Andersons. But we must understand those differences. The important thing is to relate all those theories in our own context. As per my understanding we are only poring knowledge in the minds of students. Teaching style in our own context depends on memorizing and transition of knowledge at large. Very few teachers are putting students in situation to think, evaluate and to create.

If I may be given the chance to work on position of leadership in educational institution, I will try to apply Blooms Taxonomy theory of learning creatively as per needs of institution. Improvement of holistic education environment is need of time. to attain the aims and objectives of education it is important to understand that what the educational process hopes to achieve, through curriculum implication, second chain of this process is teaching methodology in which we draw the outlines of plan how the objectives should be achieved, and the third step is assessment. Assessment process determined if the objectives have been achieved or not. That is cyclic process.

Recently when I read the article of Dr Mohd Memon Sohib, which was the critical evaluation of history of curriculum in Pakistan, I realize that our policy makers put all the required things in educational policies; however they didn’t bother to involve the teachers in same process. For implementation of curriculum our policy makers adopted “top down” strategy. In the process “Official Curriculum” was very much different from “Action Curriculum” which adapted teachers in classroom.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Literature Review from Module on curriculum development history of Pakistan

To day I have read t Dr Muhammad Memons’ article titled “CURRICULUM CHANGE IN PAKISTAN AN ALTERNATIVE MODEL OF CHANGE” 1997.

Dr Memon Sohib critically evaluated the history of curriculum in Pakistan. The history that started from December 27, 1947 with ever First Educational Conference held to discuss the problems including the re-structuring and re-orientation of education which could suit the ideology and needs of new developing country.(Memon 1997). At that time new born country was facing many problems in every field. Settlement of refuges, structuring of institutions to run the country, disputed financial matters with India and many more matters were on agenda. Despite all this Quid-e-Azam Mohmmed Ali Jinnah was given very much weigh the qualitative educational system which will provide the bases to nation as it should compete with the world which is moving fast. But unfortunately later on all practices in the field of education and development of curriculum were didn’t gave fruitful results. Until 1972 in country there was no permanent institution to be constituted for to development of curriculum. Prior to that task(s) for development of curriculums was given to different committees formed for same purpose.
One another issue was elaborated by Memon Sohib that is centralized text books. The text books were published with collaboration with Provincial Bureaux of Curriculum. Schools were not allowed to introduce their own curriculums. Schools running by any system bounded to adapt that curriculum which introduced by central Government. In curriculum implementation the top-down approach embedded. In curriculum making process schools and teachers role ignored. That narrow approach in development of curriculum discouraged other essential stake holders active participation so for. “The supper ordinate group imposes curriculum on the schools with the high expectations that the teachers, as subordinate group, will implement as intended”.(Memon1997).

This process need to be improve. The planed change can only be successful if there is a cooperative and collaborative approach from change agent to client, and vice versa. The notion of negotiation emphases the participation of all stake holders including teachers. Dr Memon Sohib suggested in his conclusions that “the main focus of proposed curriculum change to facilitate clients in the selecting of their own choice of innovation according to their felt need within their interpretative paradigm.